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Cyber Camp 2020 CTF by SANS Institute Writeup


Category Points Difficulty
Forensics 100 Easy


Downloading and extracting the zip gives us a file called REPORT-junior-taking-too-long-at-lunch.pdf. Looking at this file, we have redacted parts. The redacted parts are still copy-pastable, so we can copy paste it into a text file and see the contents.

Juniors taking too long at lunchAllStar Lunches for Forces LLPIntrouctionA year long study has revealed that 10% of juniors are having lunch way beyond the allocated time slot, some as much as twice as long as the regulated period. This has been concluded by external research company AllStar Lunches for Forces LLP,  who aim to keep everyone fit, healthy and not digging into a 2nd or 3rd helping of dessert. This has led to what should be done about these 10% of laggards in order to help keep them inline with their squad members. The solution raised has been rather simple and doesn’t require a superiors intervention in person, with encourgement of these juniors to “get back to it”, from anywhere on the base.EOL (End of Lunch) IndicatorWith the rise of drone technology to spray crops, pack boxes, deliver shopping and more, its been suggested by AllStar Lunches for Forces LLP that there is a lunch-time drone in the eatery which will start hovering with 2 minutes before lunch time is due to end and its LED display show a friendly but assertive LUNCH TIME ENDING SOON message followed by a 120 second count down so juniors know they should begin finishing up their lunch. At the end of the countdown, a message will  from the top of the drone on a flag:OK_BACK_TO_IT and a loud siren will sound to alert even a junior who is too busy tucking into their extra cake.ET (Excess Time) EnforcementThe drone comes equipped with an internal countdown indicator and also proximity sensor and heatdetection sensor. After the countdown has elapsed and flag has show, the drone will count a further 60 seconds and if the 2 sensors detect the presence of any slow to finish juniors still in the room, theloudhaler will enable an officer from anywhere on the base to “strongly encourage” users to march left-right-left-right to where they need to be. The drone will also hover closely to the individuals in order to coerce them from the room, with audible orders helping this to happen speedily.ConclusionThis is a truly awful idea from a questionable company, was scoffed at and should be discarded by the board immediately as a likely expensive and ineffective solution for a small percentage of juniors. Further studies may be carried out by a more reputable company with more sound ideas in the future.