
My Projects

My actual website is at ersei.net. The website you are on right now is only to showcase some of my projects that I don’t want to host anywhere else.

Projects Hosted Here

HackNA: UltraCrypt A program that uses browser technologies to (inefficiently) encrypt files using AES-256-GCM with all of the bells and whistles.

SANS Institute CyberCamp 2020 CTF Writeup A writeup for the 2020 CyberCamp.

National Cyber Scholarship Competition Writeup A writeup for the 2021 National Cyber Scholarship Competition.

Choose Your Own Adventure: Crime and Punishment A WASM-based game written in Rust for the novel Crime and Punishment by Fyodor Dostoevsky

SMBC Comic Fulltext Search A program to fuzzy search through SMBC comics. Done completely in the frontend.

Projects Not Hosted Here But Are Still Cool

Discord Cowsay Bot A simple bot that runs the iconic cowsay program, but in Discord.

Anti ARP Floods the network with ARP packets to counter the ones sent by parental control devices (Disney Circle, etc).

BotsBurgh 2021-22 Robotics code for FTC season 2021-22.

NMAP XML Vulns Gets vulnerabilities from an NMAP XML file and makes it into a pretty PDF.

Jellyfin SSO Plugin This plugin allows users to sign in through an SSO provider (such as Google, Microsoft, or your own provider). This enables one-click signin for Jellyfin.